Saturday 12. Oct.
2 - 4:30 pm
Introduction to Intuition,
A Beginner’s Guide
We all have access to our intuition.
We can all feel it, but only a few of us have learned how to access it. Intuition is one of the most important tools of our time, yet it remains difficult to grasp.
Introduction to Intuition
In this 2.5 hour workshop, I will introduce you to ways of accessing your intuition and applying it in your life. You will learn why intuition is the currency of our time and how it relates to the Age of Aquarius, that we are currently entering.
Inner guidance helps you make better decisions and live in alignment with your true self.
Workshop topics
We will explore:
the different forms of intuition
how your intuition talks to you
how to use it as a daily guide
We will discover our heart space and learn how the mind can sabotage our inner guidance.
You will discover why protection and grounding are key to hearing your inner voice.
We will work with mantras, channeled messages, visualizations, and personal and scientific knowledge I have gained over the past twelve years, walking the path of intuition.
Benefits Out of a strong intuition
Benefits Out of a strong intuition *
Hear yourself clearly amidst the daily chaos.
Follow a strong inner guidance.
Trust your body and feelings; they are your antennas for receiving information.
Become grounded and confident.
Take aligned decisions that match your life’s vision.
Be sure of your decisions and make them with integrity.
Co-create with the universe.
Find support by recognizing the support system outside of you.